SNU Transformative ARchitecture Lab



Rogue and solitary waves in coupled phononic crystals

Y. Miyazawa, C. Chong, P.G. Kevrekidis, J. Yang* 

Physical Review E
105, 034202
In this work we present an analytical and numerical study of rogue and solitary waves in a coupled one-dimensional nonlinear lattice that involves both axial and rotational degrees of freedom. Using a multiple-scale analysis, we derive a system of coupled nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations in order to approximate solitary waves and rogue waves of the coupled lattice model. Numerical simulations are found to agree with the analytical approximations. We also consider generic initialization data in the form of a Gaussian profile and observe that they can result in the spontaneous formation of rogue-wave-like patterns in the lattice. The solitary and rogue waves in the lattice demonstrate both energy isolation and exchange between the axial and rotational degrees of freedom of the system. This suggests that the studied coupled lattice has the potential to be an efficient energy isolation, transfer, and focusing medium.